smirking cat emoji.

"A general list" No.... This is no general list. This is the ULTIMATE LIST OF ALL OF MY INTERESTS WHERE I WILL RAMBLE AS I PLEASE AND UPDATE FREQUENTLY!!!!!!!!!
Okay, almost all of my interests, I’m forgetful.
And the format is really weird on mobile, I am sorry..

super specials!!!!!

YUGIOH!!! ARC!!!! V!!!!!!!!!Easily my favourite media of all time, it’s unbeatable. Definitely my strongest special interest as well, it’s one of the few things I could talk about non stop. I watched it when I was waaayyy younger, I’m pretty sure it was my first anime. I hold it so dear in my heart, no matter how cringe it may be.. And it’s really cringe, unbelievably so. But it’s MYYYYYYY cringe! I have I think 4 of the books? I wanna collect all of them, I’ve just been too lazy because if I’m being honest, I only care about a select few of the characters. 😬😬 Half of which die, ermmmm.My favs are Yuto, Shay, Ruri, Sora, and Yuri!!!!!!!! Again, two of them die and it kills me!!!!!!!!!!!! The first three are kind of an iconic trio in the show, except they don’t really. Have many scenes together, but it’s canon. They were just separated, it’s okay, they’re all together in my heart. Shay and Ruri are brother and sister, and Yuto is Shay’s best friend, and I’m pretty sure it’s heavily implied that Yuto and Ruri dated before the invasion.. Romance for sure, but I dunno about the dating part, it’s funky. Oh my god, first season Shay and Yuto situation is so upsetting. 😭😭 Like, okay, can you imagine being in Shay’s position the whole show. You get your sister taken from you by the people who turned the vast majority of people you know into cards, basically killing them, and you have to form a resistance against them and blah blah. THEN. YOU AND YOUR BEST FRIEND GET SEPARATED WHEN TRYING TO GO SAVE YOUR SISTER, AND IT’S LIKE THAT. FOR MOST OF THE SEASON?? Like, dude, Yuto and Shay barely get to actually interact with each other because of the crazy shit going down. AND HE DOESN’T EVEN GET TO BE THERE FOR YUTO’S DEATH?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME. And then Declan is all mysterious like “come join the lancers, blaahhhhh for your sister, kill my father!!!!!!!!” And actively stops Shay from figuring out what happened to Yuto until season 2 I think, are you YOLKING ME. Yuto’s death actually killed me as a kid when I first watched it, cause why is one of my favourite characters DYING in the first season. And he also barely got screen time, so that killed me, too…..At least Shay was apart of the main cast the whole time, and the same with Sora, but Yuto and Ruri are treated like side characters basically all of the show even if they’re deemed as important, solely because they get NO. SCREENTIME. I think Ruri has less than 3 episodes of time on the screen genuinely. I know she has two major duels, but other than that, she’s just.. Not there. Sniffles… SHE’S NOT EVEN IN THE MANGA, TOO. LIKE. OH. OH MY GOD. YOU’RE KIDDING ME. At least her brother gets attention though, wipes a tear from the corner of my eye.I’m more normal about Sora and Yuri compared to THOSE guys, but I’m also not really normal about this stupid show at all. Sora’s just a little guy to me, I really like the switch up they did on his character about half way through the first season. He’s just a fun guy…… Same with Yuri, they’re both awesome!!!!!! Except I like the way they treat Yuri’s character a little bit more than Sora’s, especially with him being raised completely different from the 3 other Yu boys. His voice is also really fun.. I also think he has one of the stronger character designs out of all of the cast. While yes, I love all the dumb hair styles they have, I think Yuri’s the most. It’s more.. Flat? Compared to everyone else’s, and the two little pieces that float up look like rabbit ears and I find that really funny. I love this show!!!!!!!!I don’t think I really have a favourite episode.. Maybe the one where Yuto dies unironically. However! I do have favourite duels.. Definitely Ruri/Celina vs Yuto/Yuya and Ruri vs Shay. I am NOT biased, shh shhhhh no one has to know. Close seconds would absolutely be the first Shay vs Sora and the first berserk Yuya duel, all four are extremely memorable to me.






SPLATOON!!!! AND COROIKA!!!!!!! AND MULTIMEDIA OCS BUT IT’S ONLY REALLY SPLATOON OCS RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! I mixed em together cause they’re all of the same media, I’ll talk about them in order..Fun fact, I’m actually a new gen splatoon player. I didn’t own a wii u or a switch when splat 1 and 2 were out, so I could never play. I REALLY wanted to get into it when I was younger though, so it was like my interest was held back for years… THAT DIDN’T STOP ME THOUGH, BECAUSE I ACTUALLY READ THE COROIKA BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARY BECAUSE I COULDN’T PLAY THE GAMES. 😼😼 It was like the franchise was calling to me…………But now I have the third game, so I’m very happy! Feel free to hit me up and ask for my switch fc, I play splatoon like. Every single day, it’s probably unhealthy. Since I never played the first two games, I’m actually not that attached to the in game characters.. Do I love and enjoy them? Yes of course! But it’s not a SPECIAL kind of attachment, you know. I think my favourite idol group is off the hook.. They really grew on me when I played side order, I understood the off the hook hype I’d seen. I think my favourite idol overall is either Marie or Big man.. No reason, I just like them. They’re all so awesome though, it’s not really a competition to me.I’m actually much MUCH more interested in the weapon and battling aspect of the game!!!!!!!!! Oh my god, let me tell you, I’ve done so much genuine research on tri stinger and how to play it better, it’s actually insane. My ideal kit for tri stinger would absolutely be burst bomb and ink storm, AND LET ME EXPLAIN BECAUSE I’VE ACTUALLY PUT SO MUCH THOUGHT INTO THIS. If you’ve played splatoon, you’d probably know tri stinger is 100% a chip damage support weapon, with the one shots being way harder to hit compared to something like a charger. So, because of it being a chip damage weapon, you’d obviously want a sub and special that ALSO do chip damage so you could have more output+usage. That’s where burst bomb and ink storm come in. Burst bomb, which is very obviously in the name, is a bomb that does damage on impact, so it does way less than a normal bomb would do. Each tap shot does 30 damage if landed correctly, and it’s easier to hit all if you jump while shooting. Say you get into a close fight with a Dualies for example, and you manage to land 2 arrows dealing around 60 damage. Since Dualies move around a lot and tri stinger is NOT a good mobile weapon up close, you’re most likely to lose that fight because of it. So that’s where burst bomb comes in! You throw one of those guys directly, and boom, 60+60 damage, you don’t die! Or at least get a trade. Ink storm is the same thing, but at a much longer range. It’s hard to explain how it works in terms of how much damage you take if you haven’t played the game, but it’s literally just “if you stay in the rain the whole time, you die, so don’t touch the rain” And obviously, it does a really big chunk of chip damage to an enemy. And if you have good aim, you can easily land a kill with it. I know I did a really big rant about it somewhere on my priv, but I can’t be bothered to find it.. Just take my word for it. AND I KNOW AND UNDERSTAND, THIS KIT WOULD PROBABLY BE SUPER OVERPOWERED IF ACTUALLY IN THE GAME.. But I don’t care, I WANT IT. Honestly, I wouldn’t be too mad if it didn’t get burst bomb. I just want a bomb on tri stinger… Or beakon, I also wouldn’t mind beakon as the sub. However, for the special, I REAALLYYYYYY WANT INK STORM. REALLY BAD. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 If I HAD to choose two other specials as runner ups, I guess either booyah bomb or tacticooler would be ideal.. I really want my ink storm tri stinger though. Ohhhhh new bow, save me! Save me!!!!!!Hi, I’m adding this small paragraph after the wellstring and kit was officially announced. The new bow did not save me, but I have come to peace with it unfortunately.So very obviously, I main tri stinger.. But I also SUPER often use heavy edit splatiling, splatterscope, and vstamper! I actually used to change my weapons A LOT when I first got the game. Which lead to me losing a lot and rage quitting so bad I didn’t play at all during sizzle 2023……. BUT IT’S OKAY BECAUSE I CAME BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER!!!!! I found my TRUE weapons.. My first weapon (outside of junior) that I tried to pick up was. E liter scope….. Yeah, you know, one of the hardest weapons to play, I chose as a beginner who never played any of the previous games, very dumb I know. I wanted to pick up a charger first because Marie was my favourite when I read coroika as a kid and was all like “oh she’s so cool, I’m gonna play a sniper like that when I get the game!!!!!” I don’t think I was too bad though.. Well no, I was pretty bad. Very bad. But I have 4stars on it, so I couldn’t have been THAT bad. I also mained dualie squelchers shortly before I quit for that period of time! I remember when I would lose a game with them, I would switch to a random weapon, lose again or play it until I would lose, and then switch back to them… Yeah, it was not very good. I currently have 4star heavy edit and splatterscope, and I’m almost at 4 with vstamper! I always play tri stinger when I first get on the game for a few rounds, then after I’ve tri’d my stinger, I switch to either heavy edit/splatterscope/vstamper for a few more and see if it’s a “_____ weapon day” Aka, if I have good skills that day. Very fun, I love splatoon!!!!!!!!!!I’m definitely not pro by anymeans (although it’s really funny to me to go “I’m soooooooo pro”), but I would say I’m at least above average in my general skills… Not in anarchy though, I hate ranked modes. I much much much prefer playing turf war or salmon run. Anarchy games genuinely make me so mad, specifically in series. I don’t even CARE about my own rank, I only force myself to play it occassionally because you get higher rewards.. But NOO, I always get paired with bad teammates. Literally, my ratios are always the best out of my whole team when I’m a TRI STINGER????? WHAT IS THIS GAME’S PROBLEM. Turf is much more casual, and there’s no pressure to do good n stuff.. I just much prefer it. And I also really just like salmon run, there’s nothing much to it. I do wish the rewards you can buy were cheaper though, I’ve been trying to get a 999 silver banner for months. 😭😭Coroika time.. Oh coroika, great heavens, save me. I already mentioned before I read the books as a kid, but the way I picked it back up recently was super funny. I was going to the same library around February 2024 that I went to when I was younger because I wanted to read a physical copy of Yotsuba again, right. So I pick up Yotsuba, and was only the first 3 volumes, but I like taking a lot of books home, so I’m looking around and I suddenly remember “hey, didn’t splatoon have a manga or something” and I had the game since.. A few months after the release, so I had finally actually played the game. So I’m looking for it, and I find volume 10 (the one with vintage on the front) and yknow, check out the books.. And then I’m in the car, reading before the drive home cause it’s raining and I like reading, and in the first few pages I’m just. HIT with nostalgia. I’m going “I remember that character” “I feel like I’ve read this before” and all that. And yeah, I ended up reading the entire series up to date online and then. Buying all the physical copies in one go…….. Yeah.SO YEAH, now it’s the main thing I draw as I’m writing this. If we’re including the ocs, I’m counting them. It’s really funny, because splatwt/corotwt is only the second fandom I’ve actually joined. Lmktwt (Lego monkie kid) being the last one I was in.. Oh my god, I was struggling to get coroika mutuals for WEEKS because all of my followers were from monkie kid. It was so awkward. BUT NOWW I HAVE COROIKA MUTUALS AND I’VE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER. 😸😸 I don’t thinkkkk I have a favourite book in general, but I think my favourite arc is either octo expansion, the.. Shadow. Shadow guys, you know. Or the one with Emperor….. Maybe. I DUNNO, I like the entire thing, it brings me so much joy. I don’t think I have a fav team either since. I love them all. Um. Yeah no, I love them all too much to choose a favourite. I did makeeee a tier list for how much of a favourite they are for the characters in general (should be lined up beside if you’re not on mobile)….. DON’T KILL ME, I STILL LOVE THEM ALL, I JUST RANKED THEM ON HOW MUCH I LIKE THEM, OKAY. PLEASE. Erm, my favourite characters are Rider and Skull if I had to choose two.. I’ve noticed a trend among my favourite characters in media, but I will not elaborate. Rider got his own box on the tier list cause he needed to be put in containment. AND. WAIT OKAY, QUICK EXPLANATION FOR 8 BIT. I DON’T HATE HER, OKAY. I LIKE 8 BIT, HER CHARACTER JUST ISN’T FOR ME. NOT MY JAM, I STILL LOVE HER. Had to clear up the air, phew!So this still goes for coroika, but in general, I’ve noticed that the content that gets produced the most in fandoms is ship content.. And I don’t really have anything against it! I just find it a little funny considering I’m aroace and I’m not really the biggest fan when it comes to romantic pairs, canon or not, in media. For example, in my last fandom, I basically strictly made duo/single character content because I genuinely didn’t like the romantic ships in the fandom. But the FUNNIER THING IS THAT I DON’T EVEN MIND THE COROIKA SHIPS?? I think it comes from the characters having way more dynamics/interactions, but genuinely, I actually LIKE the ships the fandom makes. I don’t really ship just one thing though, I kinda just like them all. Most of them could also be platonic depending on the way you interpret them, and it makes me very happy. 😸😸😸😸 I don’t think I’ll ever draw just one coroika ship forever though, yk. Especially on my own, I’m more the type to draw the characters by themself if I’m being honest. In short, I fw coroika ships.Okay I went on a coroika rant, I’ll talk about the splat ocs another day.. (last edited sundayyyy may 19th attttt 5:09am 2024)